All tagged work from home

5 Organization Tips to Improve Productivity

There are many proven benefits, both mental and physical, to household organization. People tend to sleep better in a clean room; enjoy preparing meals more in a clutter-free kitchen; and feel calmer when they sit at a tidy desk to begin a task. And, according to feng shui, removing items you do not like or use actually lightens the energy and positively affects your entire life.

How To Level Up With Technology Post-COVID World

“Company structures are appearing more tailored to the entrepreneurial mind. The evolving trend is working from home, smaller workplaces, and niche-focused businesses. The work is moving faster, and whether a business owner or freelancer, you must be agile and nimble to compete. All these changes can be good, but only if you are ready.”

Mercer says the key to success in the post-COVID world is understanding these business-related benefits of technology:

From Employee To Entrepreneur: Becoming Your Own Boss in 2021

Maybe you’ve dreamed of launching your own business for years, but couldn’t summon the nerve – or the capital – to pull it off. Perhaps 2020 proved disastrous to your career aspirations when the company you worked for downsized or shut down altogether – and out the door you went. Either way, 2021 could be the time to ask yourself this question: Are you ready to go from employee to entrepreneur?

How To Keep Culture Thriving Outside The Office

Despite the economic havoc COVID-19 caused, the work culture of some companies has stayed solid. But amid big changes and continuing uncertainties, that foundational element of business is an ongoing concern for many heading into 2021. The massive shift to remote work on a regular basis dramatically changed how companies interact internally, and some have adjusted better than others.

4 Ways To Make A Seasonal Business Work

An ever-changing economy creates new opportunities for entrepreneurs, even during these rocky times that COVID-19 has caused. Whether people are looking for a better work-life balance, a new job after having lost one, or an extra source of income, opening a seasonal business is one strategy that fits those goals.

7 Essential Work From Home Tips

COVID-19 has created a nation of telecommuters virtually overnight. At first, it feels like working from home may be temporary. Since it is August, many of us have come to realized that this new work arrangement can go on much longer. Here are some tips for getting set up and organized.

Why Cosmetic Surgery Is Booming During The Pandemic

Cosmetic surgery was on an upward trend for several years before the pandemic, and the outbreak of the coronavirus hasn’t hurt its popularity. Since the lifting of lockdown and shelter-in-place orders across the country, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has reported an increased demand in patients considering cosmetic enhancements.