All tagged relationship tips

Love Is Not Enough: 8 Pillars of Relationship Success

Love has long been hailed as the cornerstone of successful relationships, and rightly so. However, as the statistics reveal, the journey from "I do" to forever isn't always paved with rose petals. While 88% of couples in America tie the knot driven by love, and 86% believe in the existence of true love, the stark reality is that 40-50% of marriages still end in divorce. This paints a compelling picture: love alone does not guarantee relationship triumph.

Self-care September | 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Into a Relationship

It wasn’t that I didn’t want a partner ever again—I very much love being in (good) relationships. It was that I was truly enjoying the experience of living as though I was enough instead of buying into the belief that because I didn’t have a partner, there was something off-putting, wrong, or unattractive about me. It took some time to get used to, as all habits do, but I wouldn’t give that time up for anything.

Here are the questions that were born from my happily single and exploratory years. I use them with my design clients, friends, and even myself.

Eat This "Love Diet" For a Sexy Valentine's Day

As we approach Valentine’s Day, wouldn’t it be nice to know how to turn up the “heat” and make our partner’s passions go into overdrive?  One way to get those juices flowing is to use an aphrodisiac, which can be any food or drink that increases libido when consumed. Aphrodisiacs are distinct from substances that address fertility issues such as impotence or sexual dysfunction.  From the Greek word aphrodisiac, or "pertaining to Aphrodite,” the idea comes from the goddess of love. But really, is the notion of using an aphrodisiac a bit too silly to make the bedroom pop?