All tagged home remedy

5 Organization Tips to Improve Productivity

There are many proven benefits, both mental and physical, to household organization. People tend to sleep better in a clean room; enjoy preparing meals more in a clutter-free kitchen; and feel calmer when they sit at a tidy desk to begin a task. And, according to feng shui, removing items you do not like or use actually lightens the energy and positively affects your entire life.

New and Neat From CES 2023

CES wrapped with over 115,000 attendees – marking the largest audited global tech event since early 2020. They announced over 3200 exhibitors, including 1000 startups and an eventful week of product launches, major company announcements and innovations that boast solving global challenges.

Besides tackling global issues and discussing the largest tech trends, there were unique everyday gadgets that aim to boost your social life and connectivity, enhance safety and wellbeing, and enrich your life in general.

Spring Cleaning You May Have Missed

Every year, as the flowers begin to pop up, the grass gets greener and the birds start tweeting, thoughts turn to shedding the drudge of winter, cleaning up the house and enjoying spring. While annual spring cleaning is a ritual many observe, there are some tasks that you might not have thought of that really take your annual wipe down and de-clutter to a whole new level.

Skincare Benefits From Leftover Halloween Pumpkins

As a Harvard-trained physician with a 10+ year background in the Dermatology and Pathology fields, Dr. Gretchen Frieling suggests that instead of throwing out the pumpkins you used for decorative functions, you can reuse them for various beauty and health purposes. “Pumpkin is a great way to incorporate more vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E as well as essential fatty acids that help reduce markers of aging while also moisturizing the skin.”