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9 Characteristics All Great Leaders Share

9 Characteristics All Great Leaders Share

In tough times like this, leadership matters to the survival on an organization big or small. When you look at great leaders, there are definitely some things they all have in common. What are they?

We spoke to Angela Civitella, a business executive, leadership coach, and founder of Intinde, says all great leaders do these nine things:

Leaders teach

Great leaders take the time to teach others. Bossy people bark orders telling others what to do. A great leader knows he or she is only as good as the people around him, so she takes the time to develop her team. A great leader believes in teaching because another leader helped him become so great.

 Leaders don’t micro-manage

A great leader knows that at some point, he’s going to have to cut the student loose and let her find her own way. Bossy people micromanage the process forever and never let others learn from their mistakes. Real leaders know the only way to learn is from doing.

 Leaders don’t care about taking credit

A great leader has one goal: to get the job done with the best results. He’s not in it for the accolades. When things don’t go according to plan, they are the first to take responsibility. They don’t mind a pat on the back once in a while, but it is definitely not a necessity.


Leaders tell it like it is

Great leaders are always honest. They don’t sugarcoat what needs to be said even if it’s not what someone wants to hear. Their job is to develop their teams and get the best results possible. They prefer for you not to be insulted, but they would rather hurt your feelings temporarily if it means you becoming better in the long run.


Leaders listen

All great leaders show their people the way, but they also know how to actively listen. They thoroughly trust their own instincts and judgement, but they know that it’s possible that others could have better ideas or solutions, or an easier way to do something. They are willing to listen to anyone who says they have an idea because they are always open to learning.


Leaders learn from their mistakes

At the heart of it, great leaders are nothing more than professional failures. They’ve failed time and again but instead of being defeated by their setbacks, they learn from their mistakes and comeback stronger than before until they succeed.


Leaders aim big

Great leaders aim way beyond their potential, even if deep down they know something is out of reach. Keeping their eye on the prize is the only way they are going to stay motivated and moving forward. Sometimes they get laughed at for their auspicious tone, but it doesn’t stop them in their pursuit of great things.


Leaders don’t dwell on things

Great leaders are decisive. Even when put in a situation where they really are unsure, they consider the facts and are quick to make up their minds. They know the time lost debating and the emotional anguish they would be putting themselves through is just not worth it. They also know in many cases, if they make the wrong choice, they can always recover.


Leaders always want to get better

Even when he or she reaches the top, great leaders know there is always more to learn and better ways to do things. They are open to continually learning from other leaders. They read, attend seminars, go back to school, and they are open to any form of knowledge that will help them become even better.

About the expert:

Angela Civitella is a Leadership Coach and a proven negotiator, strategist, and problem-solver. Her executive experience has allowed me to witness and evaluate countless interactions with a myriad of business leaders and entrepreneurs.


Yvon Lux is the editor of her Apple News channel. Her “blogazine” celebrates sisterhood and empowers women by focusing on women’s health, travel and entrepreneurial news while also sharing the most coveted trends and stories. Yvon also published a journal and fast track guide to learning unconditional self-care while claiming your peace and happiness. The Best Friend Journal is available on Amazon now.

As an entrepreneur and influencer, she has been featured in Thrive Global, Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Modern Luxury Magazine, and various other media outlets. Connect with her on Instagram and subscribe to her Apple News channel!

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