Yvon Lux

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New Year New You Quick Weight Loss Tips You May Not Know

Whether you are looking to crush your weight loss resolution or just ready to look your best self in the new year, here are some applicable tips to apply to your weight loss regimen that can quicken your progress according to Dietician Lacey Dunn.

Power up the protein

Not only will it help aid in keeping you full when dieting, but it will also help to maintain your lean muscle mass which is essential for a healthy metabolism and body. You don’t want to lose lean mass, you want to lose body fat! Aim for at least 1g/kg of bodyweight. Consuming at least 20g of protein per meal will also ward away the dieting hunger. Healthy proteins include lean meats, lentils, nuts, seeds, protein powders, dairy, and tofu!

Drink your water

We are basically human cucumbers and every single cell and action in our body requires water! If you want to feel your best and optimize weight loss, aim for at least 8 cups of water a day. Staying hydrated will also keep ward off hunger and headaches. Sometimes dehydration feels like hunger. If you find yourself “hungry”, try drinking a glass of water first!

Find out how much your eating

You don’t have to track your food or “macros” daily, but it’s important to know how much you are eating to be able to put yourself into a caloric deficit to lose weight. Assess your intake, portion sizes, and become aware of what is in the food that you eat. If you are consuming mostly whole, unprocessed foods, you will feel more energized, satisfied, and healthier!

Focus on fiber

Fiber helps to normalize your bowel functions, but also plays a heavy role in regulating your hormones and feeding a healthy gut, which can greatly impact your ability to lose weight. To help keep your hormones and gut happy, aim or consuming at least 25-45g fiber per day. Good news is, fiber will also help to keep you full, warding off the diet hunger pangs.

Don’t give yourself drastic limitations

If you limit specific food groups such as carbohydrates or dairy without medically necessity, you are potentially shooting yourself in the foot to cause cravings and emotional distress. Instead of labeling foods as good or bad, focus on fueling your body with nutrient rich foods that make your body feel good! Allowing for more flexibility will help make your weight loss sustainable and stop you from loathing your efforts.

Stay active

But don’t grind yourself into the ground. Exercise is to be used as a tool to keep your body healthy and though it can be used to help to burn calories and lose weight, doing too much can be detrimental to your health, hormones, and in turn, sabotage your weight loss efforts. Aim for 3-6 days per week of exercise with a combination of resistance and aerobic work. Keep your high intensity sessions such as sprints or orange theory to 2-3x a week maximum. Pay attention to your body and signs of needed rest, such as sleep disturbance, mood swings, poor recovery, or blood sugar imbalances. These are signs that you are doing too much and need to prioritize less stressful activities. 

Track your NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)

Your NEAT levels such as fidgeting, walking, taking the stairs, or even cleaning your house will start to decline the longer you diet as your body naturally strives to conserve energy. Overtime if you let it, this can drastically change the calories that you burn throughout the day and impact your weight loss. Tracking your step count can be helpful to keep your NEAT levels consistent. Aim for 7-8K steps a day if you can, and if you can’t, aim for breaking up a few gentle walk sessions throughout your day! 3 - 10 min sessions is enough to at least get you some activity consistently. 

About the Expert:

Lacey Dunn, MS, RD, LD, CPT, founder of UpliftFit Nutrition and host of the UpliftFit Nutrition podcast, is a functional medicine dietitian with a fiery passion for helping women feel and look their very best. People call her the “Hormone Fairy Godmother,” as her one mission in life is to help women go from surviving to thriving. Dunn specializes in all things hormones, thyroid, gut, and metabolism and incorporates on-going education into her daily life.


Yvon Lux is the editor of her Apple News channel. Her “blogazine” celebrates sisterhood and empowers women by focusing on women’s health, travel, lifestyle, and entrepreneurial news while also sharing the most coveted trends and style stories.

As an entrepreneur and influencer, she has been featured in LA Times, Thrive Global, OC Register, Modern Luxury Magazine, and more. Connect with her on Instagram and subscribe to her Apple News channel!

Be on the lookout for her Influencer and Luxury Lifestyle Magazine covering organizations and individuals that are blazing trails and sharing tales.