All tagged holiday tips

Deck the Halls with This Season's Hottest Decorating Trends

With Halloween now behind us, it's the perfect moment to usher in the magic of Christmas by adorning our homes with the latest in holiday decor. According to interior design professionals, this year’s trends are all about embracing bejeweled elegance, earthy neutrals, and sustainable splendor. Whether you're a seasoned decorator or a newbie looking for inspiration, we've got you covered.

How To Practice Self-Care This Holiday Season

Pumpkin spiced lattes will soon give way to turkey feasts and gift shopping. The holidays are festive and fun but they are also a prominent source of stress and anxiety for many. Before this year’s winter wonderland and holiday season, let’s learn some self-care tips to help you show up as the best version of yourself.

When we are tired and drained, it shows in our work and relationships. Once you incorporate self-care into your routines, it has the power to reduce stress and anxiety and cultivate better relationships with yourself and others.

Pandemic Holiday Tips For More Joy and Connection

For many people, life as they knew it has been put on hold due to the restrictions we all must adhere to with COVID-19. The days of waiting patiently for life to return to “normal” have passed. In fact, there has been enough time that has passed since the virus hit in early 2020, that we can confidently say, we have developed a new normal.